Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Life is like an irreversible chemical reaction. You can talk and think about the past as much as you want, but it won't get you anywhere. Walking forward, with your memories right beside you is the only option. Even so, memories are still intangible images of the past and is probably not even close to what you want. But that is always want what you can't have, and what other people have. We are never satisfied. So it up to us to decide what we want to do with those bag of memories. We could either discard it because it is not what we want, or keep them close to us because that is all we have left of the past. It's our decision.


  1. Do you remember that time we were in the computer labs discussing how a certain someone's parents wouldn't let her go over to her boyfriend's house even though they'd been at it forever and I said it was like trying to close an open coke can and you said it was like trying to reverse an irreversable reaction? that amazing original metaphor moment is in my bag of memories. (=

    You probably can't obliterate memories (unless you see a really good hypnotist) but as the events sink further into the past they'll stop occupying an unwelcome amount of your headspace (so no banging of heads against walls will be necessary.) Have you listened to Nightswimming by REM? It has a really pretty line in it: 'these things they go away, replaced by every day.'

    That probably wasn't helpful. I'm procrastinating too.

  2. haha, that made me laugh lol. i still remember that day. pretty sure i need to write a list of all the weird stuff we've said hahah. they're hilarious. i was watching some show on channel 10, and the ads were on. have you seen that ad where they're promoting channel 10.. and they're like. channel 10. seriously. pretty sure it should be in lolcat. chakneel ten. srsly. ktnxbai

  3. LOL. If I had to name an Indian baby I'd call it Chakneel. Channel 10 would definitely benifit from a little bit of lolcat. 'Oh hai. thirty seven people were killed today in a flash flood in bangladesh.............Sandra Sully reporting. Kthnxbai.'
